I'm now in everyway a resident of Florida. Today I change my plates over to Florida plates. It was a bitter sweet moment of giving up my Missouri for Florida. My car looks so naked with only one plate. I did however splurge and get the wildflower design. The name of the flower sounds like my name!! It was a tie between wildflowers and sea turtles. Other than that life is honestly pretty full on at the moment. I came in the office tonight to get a few things done and in order before I leave for Boston on Thursday. I'm due for a break down at some point in the near future and until then I'll press onward. CCF starts next week and please pray becasue they kicked all the clubs off campus and we lost our meeting room. God is good and will provide.
your plate looks BEAUTIFUL. I want one!!!
Good luck/grace/skill this week and the next month. It's nice to work in the quiet, eh? I know the feeling...even if it means giving up your free time. :(
Talk soon, my pretty!
hey you. do you ever READ your comments???
Heck yes I do...just not when I'm out of town but I'm back now...I live for comments!
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