Last night I got to babysit some of my favorite children. (ok, I have a lot of favorite children) Their parents had brain tumor suport group (Susan had a brain tumor taken out in May and is currently undergoing radiation and chemo) so I got to hang with Paula, Christina, Daniel, and their dog Mattie. I just love these kids...they are refreshing to be around. While I made dinner Christina made the table (check out the pic she did a great job!), Daniel the wildman Wienman played with Mattie (the kid has no fear), and Paula sang me the entire High School Musical soundtract. We ate and then we gave Mattie a bath becasue well she stank! Then came dessert and I quized Daniel on his spelling homework. Then it was off to bed...they wentto bed willingly at 8:15 and I fell asleep on the couch till 9:15 when their parents got home. That was the best hour of sleep I've had in 2 days!!! I was dead to the world it was beautiful!!! That was my exciting Tuesday was so much fun. I love those Weinmans!

Daniel waiting to pounce Mattie

Christina is the huge cuddle bug!

Paula is a huge reader and the biggest Harry Potter fan I've ever met!

Dinner with the Weinmans...Christina made the table pretty!

Torture to Mattie but she sure smells so fresh and clean clean!
1 comment:
they're growing up so fast!
stop growing Weimans. stay small and...small.
(why won't they stay small?!)
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