So I had a great October 31st! Phil took the office out for some needed encouragment. We left the office at 7am to an mystery place which ended up being this swamp nature reserve. It was so beautiful! It was like a school field trip and was all educational even! I saw a 13 ft gator! It was 2 miles of board walk in undestrubed Florida wild...what it looked like 100 years ago! It was really relaxing and great not to be in an office or doing COAT but it was great being able to relax and enjoy the people I work with. Then some of my college students had a party and I was Pippy Longstocking (something I've always wanted to be!) next year Strawberry Shortcake - old school version! Ohh I am most likely leading an Internship this summer...Kenya is out and they offered me Bulgaria or Malawi...I'd like India but we'll see... The decision is made in Jan. Other than that I'm sick and my throat hurts real bad but I worked all day and now can crash and watch movies and sleep!

Lucas and Katelyn as 3 hold punch Jim (from The Office)

Elise and me...she was a cop

I went as 3 hold punch Jim too! I guess it must have been pretty popular!
how do you "goggle" something?
um, new entry!
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