So I have been slack this past here's a quick summary.
I went on a Mini break to the beach....was awesome. It was like 50 degrees and perfect to be alone and deep in thought. Was great ...

Then came thanksgiving...mixed with my personal days. I created my vacation mix on my ipod...creating mixes is possibly on of my favorite things! Thanksgiving was addicted to Lost. Ran a 5k in 35 minutes (not 1 hour and 6 mins like in the picture)...pretty good for me. (especially becasue I hate to run). Twila and I are running in another in Feb in Tampa...Pirates meet you at the finishing line!

Then came my last weeks of was sad. I'll miss it horribly! I personally think my white elephant gift was awesome...Grable now has it hanging in his dorm room! The ladies and I went out to the Cheesecake Factory for an end of the year celebration...we dressed up and all I have to say is that there will be pumpkin cheesecake in heaven!!! Oh and I finally figured out how to change color with my camera...the one of me is with vivid!

So last week I randomly got asked to go to Disney World (for free). I discovered after sitting in front of a kid freaking out during it's a small world ride that I never want to take kids to amusement parks. It was fun and I really really enjoyed epcot! We ate in was sooo good! I really enjoyed it and at night in epcot it's quite romantic...strolling through the streets of different countries...white Christmas lights...a slight chill in the air...hmmm. It was fun. Oh and when we left we saw the space shuttle discovery in the air and watched it till it faded! That was awesome.

So now I'm back in to the same old same old. My car needs 4 new tires so that's what I'm praying Santa will put under my small pink tree! I'm staying here for Christmas...apparently it's rather expensive to travel during Christmas. I'm actually looking forward to spending some more time alone and organizing my room. My mom got me a sewing machine and I'd like to set it up. So is good. Missing family and friends and I turn off I'll be home for Christmas every time it comes on but other than that good. Oh so random...I think I'm allergic to soy. Everytime I eat it I get nauseas and a headache... I tried it again for lunch and I don't feel well! But tomorrow is the work Christmas party and I have a hot new dress and shoes!!
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