You know me. Or you think you do You just don’t seem to see I’ve been waiting all this time To be something I can’t define. So let’s cause a scene... I’ve just got to get myself over me - The Format

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hide the crazy

So it's now less than 2 wks till coat begins again. I'm pretty stressed out to be honest which apparently turns me into not suck a nice or compassionate person. I haven't been feeling well...stress really upsets my stomach. My head is killing me...I think this is what a migraine is? It hurts so mad I think I could puke and all noises are really loud. (thi sis me complaining sorry) I asked my boss if I could leave early 30 mins early and I got told in 15 mins I'm leaving...and in 2 mins I'm putting my head down and turning off my light. Why is it no matter how hard you work on's still high stress at the end. Oh and I'm not sleeping well...14 mins to go!!!!

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