The party ended early and I was bored so I took pictures of myself. (Does that make me vain?) Yes you can give me a camera and I can entertain myself for hours.
You know me. Or you think you do You just don’t seem to see I’ve been waiting all this time To be something I can’t define. So let’s cause a scene... I’ve just got to get myself over me - The Format
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Le Tea
Last Saturday night was the work Christmas party. It was a lot of fun. I personally love dressing up so this was a blast! I bought a new dress that was in the words of Josh Hunter "racy" and actually made it less racy by sewing that piece of lace it was a tad revealing. I love the dress and morn the fact that I have nothing else to wear it to. Any it was a fun day...I did 4 people's hair including mine..who knew I could do hair? I just decided to do hair and 3 lovely ladies trusted me. It was a fun night and I got a musical hulla hoop which I regifted to a niece or nephew. I'll admit I'm a regifter...what's the point of keeping something you know you'll never use? I'd rather give to someone that will use and love it.
It's not a work function with my favorite kids...ahh the Weinmans how I love them! They are growing up so fast! Christina just turned 11! (Paula is 12)...they are young ladies but Christina still will cuddle up next to me!
So the two single guys I work with were gentlemen and drove me there. There was some drama when I locked my gift and dish (I made this awesome choc chip whole wheat with nuts and flax seed cookie cake was a good experiment) in my house and Ryan (not pictured) broke in my house vis climbing in his suit through my kitchen window. He was my hero of the night. This is Craig who saved my birthday by breaking in to a house late at night to get my cell phone so I could get my birthday calls. Anyway, Craig has left and is preparing to serve in Mozambique.

The party ended early and I was bored so I took pictures of myself. (Does that make me vain?) Yes you can give me a camera and I can entertain myself for hours.
So yeah it was fun. Ok so Le Tea is the Chinese Dance from the Nutcracker which Jesse inspired me to listen today...It's my favorite movement...well at least musically.
The party ended early and I was bored so I took pictures of myself. (Does that make me vain?) Yes you can give me a camera and I can entertain myself for hours.
Monday, December 18, 2006
How I spent my Saturdays this fall.
This fall I quilted most Saturdays from 2-6pm with Kathy Olsen, a lady who lives here. It was so much fun! So fun that this spring I'm starting my own quilt! I even got my first sewing machine for Christmas...Oh the fun I will have! I have one more baby quit in the's for Stacey and Derek Williams. She was my mentor here and they are headed to Myanmar this summer.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
My past month!
So I have been slack this past here's a quick summary.
I went on a Mini break to the beach....was awesome. It was like 50 degrees and perfect to be alone and deep in thought. Was great ...

Then came thanksgiving...mixed with my personal days. I created my vacation mix on my ipod...creating mixes is possibly on of my favorite things! Thanksgiving was addicted to Lost. Ran a 5k in 35 minutes (not 1 hour and 6 mins like in the picture)...pretty good for me. (especially becasue I hate to run). Twila and I are running in another in Feb in Tampa...Pirates meet you at the finishing line!
Then came my last weeks of was sad. I'll miss it horribly! I personally think my white elephant gift was awesome...Grable now has it hanging in his dorm room! The ladies and I went out to the Cheesecake Factory for an end of the year celebration...we dressed up and all I have to say is that there will be pumpkin cheesecake in heaven!!! Oh and I finally figured out how to change color with my camera...the one of me is with vivid!

So last week I randomly got asked to go to Disney World (for free). I discovered after sitting in front of a kid freaking out during it's a small world ride that I never want to take kids to amusement parks. It was fun and I really really enjoyed epcot! We ate in was sooo good! I really enjoyed it and at night in epcot it's quite romantic...strolling through the streets of different countries...white Christmas lights...a slight chill in the air...hmmm. It was fun. Oh and when we left we saw the space shuttle discovery in the air and watched it till it faded! That was awesome.

So now I'm back in to the same old same old. My car needs 4 new tires so that's what I'm praying Santa will put under my small pink tree! I'm staying here for Christmas...apparently it's rather expensive to travel during Christmas. I'm actually looking forward to spending some more time alone and organizing my room. My mom got me a sewing machine and I'd like to set it up. So is good. Missing family and friends and I turn off I'll be home for Christmas every time it comes on but other than that good. Oh so random...I think I'm allergic to soy. Everytime I eat it I get nauseas and a headache... I tried it again for lunch and I don't feel well! But tomorrow is the work Christmas party and I have a hot new dress and shoes!!
I went on a Mini break to the beach....was awesome. It was like 50 degrees and perfect to be alone and deep in thought. Was great ...
Then came thanksgiving...mixed with my personal days. I created my vacation mix on my ipod...creating mixes is possibly on of my favorite things! Thanksgiving was addicted to Lost. Ran a 5k in 35 minutes (not 1 hour and 6 mins like in the picture)...pretty good for me. (especially becasue I hate to run). Twila and I are running in another in Feb in Tampa...Pirates meet you at the finishing line!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
So after one exhausting COAT group, being tossed around in like with a boy and nothing happened, and a busy semester with CCF I am finally getting some rest. I feel bad but I'm more than glad this coat group is gone and some of us at the office are getting a break. I mean I loved them all but it was exhausting running all the time. Andrew, Bob, and I looked like Zombies at the office on Thursday and Friday because it was the first time we actually let our bodies slow down...I didn't know any of us were that tired to be honest. So I'm offically not leading the summer internship to India (which I'm way bummed about it was my first choice and somewhere I'm praying about serving but who knows maybe I'll meet that handsome Scottsman and move there!) I've got Monday and Tuesday off of work so I'm trying to find a good deal on a hotel to get away. I'm terrified about running in the 5k...I haven't run in 2 wks since I got really sick and then exhausted from COAT. I think I have a winner for who I'm spending Thankgiving with...Starr from CCF. Then hopefully I'll be going to Orlando to watch some soccer with Craig and some others. I went camping last night...ohh Florida is finally freezing to me!!! It was in the 50s...I had 2 layers on and was still borderline cold! It was great the fire was so nice and warm. Losing weight has definately messed with my internal temperature..I'm cold a lot now! Uhmm I'm almost finished with my second to's a baby one for my neice! Other than that I'm doing pretty good. Bored right now becasue everyone is out of town but enjoying the quiet. Ohh my ipod works...I'm listening to the Sign by Ace of Base this exact moment...such a good song!!! I'll let you all know if I die in the turkey Trot aka 5k!!! Welcome to my new reader Karyn and one of my favorite people...ever and will be setting me up with her single quality male friends (please feel free to follow suit...heheh)
Friday, November 03, 2006
Happy 95 thesis day!
If you don't know what it means goggle it or ask me!
So I had a great October 31st! Phil took the office out for some needed encouragment. We left the office at 7am to an mystery place which ended up being this swamp nature reserve. It was so beautiful! It was like a school field trip and was all educational even! I saw a 13 ft gator! It was 2 miles of board walk in undestrubed Florida wild...what it looked like 100 years ago! It was really relaxing and great not to be in an office or doing COAT but it was great being able to relax and enjoy the people I work with. Then some of my college students had a party and I was Pippy Longstocking (something I've always wanted to be!) next year Strawberry Shortcake - old school version! Ohh I am most likely leading an Internship this summer...Kenya is out and they offered me Bulgaria or Malawi...I'd like India but we'll see... The decision is made in Jan. Other than that I'm sick and my throat hurts real bad but I worked all day and now can crash and watch movies and sleep!

Lucas and Katelyn as 3 hold punch Jim (from The Office)

Elise and me...she was a cop
So I had a great October 31st! Phil took the office out for some needed encouragment. We left the office at 7am to an mystery place which ended up being this swamp nature reserve. It was so beautiful! It was like a school field trip and was all educational even! I saw a 13 ft gator! It was 2 miles of board walk in undestrubed Florida wild...what it looked like 100 years ago! It was really relaxing and great not to be in an office or doing COAT but it was great being able to relax and enjoy the people I work with. Then some of my college students had a party and I was Pippy Longstocking (something I've always wanted to be!) next year Strawberry Shortcake - old school version! Ohh I am most likely leading an Internship this summer...Kenya is out and they offered me Bulgaria or Malawi...I'd like India but we'll see... The decision is made in Jan. Other than that I'm sick and my throat hurts real bad but I worked all day and now can crash and watch movies and sleep!

Lucas and Katelyn as 3 hold punch Jim (from The Office)

Elise and me...she was a cop

Bane of my existance
This is my brand new ipod that I've saved and coveted for so long. It's crap! After 3hrs on teh phone with apple and 10 hrs of frustration it's still not working. Then I took it to best buy for them to fix and guess workie still. ughhh sometime when I have time I'm going back to Best Buy and they WILL make it work or replace it! I'm none too happy about this!

Sunday, October 29, 2006
Meeting with Phil
So I had that meeting with Phil. It was awesome but I totally need to process it so I think I'm going to go home and journal. A lot of stuff was tossed about the biggest was me leading the intern team this summer to Kenya...ohh an Africa as the place to serve in....which goes against my whole I'm never ever going back to Africa thing I had going and yet God seems to be drawing me to there. Anyway it was good...then I got this phone call from my mom. My grandpa's not doing good after his back surgey and they want to put him in a nursing home whihc will seperate him from my grandma (they been married 53 yrs) and yeah well he's really important to me. So I'm upset and maybe crying as I write this. I've got to go....
16 days...
16 days till COAT ends...
I'm not sure how I feel about it all. I mean I love the people (most of the time) and have been stretched and challenged to grow in both my walk with God and in leadership and yet part of me has checked out and is planning the party I will have the day after when my life returns to "normal". But the thing is "normal" has become life in COAT. I'm meeting with Phil this afternoon about my future...he's oked me to go on the field. Part of me wants to celebrate after all I've been working for 2 years for this and the other part of me wants to go to bed and pull the covers over my head. This whole being "healthy" whatever that means is means change. I'm old enough to be terrified of change and I know it hurts and yet I know that's what is going to satisfy me. It's just wierd how I've transistioned into this new role on campus as someone who gives out rather than someone who takes. That I'm understanding and living by these ideals NMSI has talked about...I've finally almost bought in and now well I don't know what's next. I'm committed here in Ft. Myers at least till next fall and yet Phil has said that if God calls me elsewhere before then he'll support it. (Phil's out president here and pretty much stinking amazing) So about the far I've decided to stay here in FTM. I'm running in the Turket Trot on Thanksgiving day...It's only a 5k but that's a huge deal to me! Last year I cheered and this year prepare for total domination! I've learned in the past 2 weeks I like to run...go figure! Then I'm not sure about Turkey day itself...I'm noncommittial at the moment. On Friday I'm going to Orlando with Craig to meet his family and watch his brother play in the final four for DIV3 soccer. (if his team makes it and right now they are #2). That's my Thanksgiving...hopefully low key and relaxing. I think I'm going to stay here for Christmas too at this point. Oh I've been majorly working on support for next year and... my finger has been healing nicely (picture to follow) it looks basically normal! boo random infections! Oh I also got an ipod which I will now call the bane of my existence...ughhh I don't even want to talk about it!
I'm not sure how I feel about it all. I mean I love the people (most of the time) and have been stretched and challenged to grow in both my walk with God and in leadership and yet part of me has checked out and is planning the party I will have the day after when my life returns to "normal". But the thing is "normal" has become life in COAT. I'm meeting with Phil this afternoon about my future...he's oked me to go on the field. Part of me wants to celebrate after all I've been working for 2 years for this and the other part of me wants to go to bed and pull the covers over my head. This whole being "healthy" whatever that means is means change. I'm old enough to be terrified of change and I know it hurts and yet I know that's what is going to satisfy me. It's just wierd how I've transistioned into this new role on campus as someone who gives out rather than someone who takes. That I'm understanding and living by these ideals NMSI has talked about...I've finally almost bought in and now well I don't know what's next. I'm committed here in Ft. Myers at least till next fall and yet Phil has said that if God calls me elsewhere before then he'll support it. (Phil's out president here and pretty much stinking amazing) So about the far I've decided to stay here in FTM. I'm running in the Turket Trot on Thanksgiving day...It's only a 5k but that's a huge deal to me! Last year I cheered and this year prepare for total domination! I've learned in the past 2 weeks I like to run...go figure! Then I'm not sure about Turkey day itself...I'm noncommittial at the moment. On Friday I'm going to Orlando with Craig to meet his family and watch his brother play in the final four for DIV3 soccer. (if his team makes it and right now they are #2). That's my Thanksgiving...hopefully low key and relaxing. I think I'm going to stay here for Christmas too at this point. Oh I've been majorly working on support for next year and... my finger has been healing nicely (picture to follow) it looks basically normal! boo random infections! Oh I also got an ipod which I will now call the bane of my existence...ughhh I don't even want to talk about it!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
My saga...
So the day of my birthday my ring finger started hurting. That night I noticed my finger was swollen and red but there was no cut so I was like huh that's wierd. The next day my finger hurt even worse and was swollen and turning yellow/green. I was told by my friend that's a dr to go to a dr the next day. So I got into the dr and she was like I'm not comfortable opening this wound and you need to get it lanced...I'm going to refer you to a hand surgeon. So she called and made them see me the next day...they kept saying they were full till October 24th. So this first picture was taken on the day I went to the first doctor.

So I went to the hand surgeon and he was really nice. I went by myself which I regret. He numbed my hand...way painful...but I was strong! Oh and he wouldn't let me watch!!! He then cut open my finger and drained the puss and then cauterized (no idea how to spell that one) the wound. So basically he burned the infected smelt really bad and I got kind of dizzy and my knees started to shake. (why I wish someone was with me) He bandaged it up and said it would be numb for about 12 hrs and gave me some painkillers...Vicadin. So yeah 24 hrs later when feeling finally returned and I was in imense pain I took the Hydrocodine they gave me...oh yeah my known allergy is Codine so yeah I got pretty sick. After almost passing out at work and getting really really ichy I decided not to take any more. Oh so the Dr also told me to soak in Epson salts...I'm pretty sure these will be in Hell and used to torture people there! I have never experienced pain that before. It sure drained my finger but made me curl in a ball and honestly cry like a baby. All I wanted in life was my mom. I may have freaked out and called a few people to see if this was one was home or they were watching I took more painkillers that I was allergic too and went to bed. This next picture was the next day...

So yeah Wednesday was the bad day and it was better in the days following. I called the dr and got a different painkiller...darpaset (I went to Bible college and can't spell). My opion on painkillers...I like not feeling pain but hate not being able to control my body...why would you want to be addicted to that feeling! So I decided I can't be famous becasue I can't be addicted to painkillers...

So my finger is now healing's shedding is really gross and I'll have a nice scar but the infection is gone and my finger didn't fall off and hopefully oneday I'll have a nice rock on that finger to make the scar look smaller. So yeha it's amazing how one finger can consume your whole life...well at least a week.

Oh so only 4 more weeks left of COAT (the training program I'm running)! I'll miss everyone but I'm really really looking forward to a break. I'll write more about it...I love it but well...everyone is having emotional/spiritual breakdowns and I'm way excited for them but it's draining none the less.

So I went to the hand surgeon and he was really nice. I went by myself which I regret. He numbed my hand...way painful...but I was strong! Oh and he wouldn't let me watch!!! He then cut open my finger and drained the puss and then cauterized (no idea how to spell that one) the wound. So basically he burned the infected smelt really bad and I got kind of dizzy and my knees started to shake. (why I wish someone was with me) He bandaged it up and said it would be numb for about 12 hrs and gave me some painkillers...Vicadin. So yeah 24 hrs later when feeling finally returned and I was in imense pain I took the Hydrocodine they gave me...oh yeah my known allergy is Codine so yeah I got pretty sick. After almost passing out at work and getting really really ichy I decided not to take any more. Oh so the Dr also told me to soak in Epson salts...I'm pretty sure these will be in Hell and used to torture people there! I have never experienced pain that before. It sure drained my finger but made me curl in a ball and honestly cry like a baby. All I wanted in life was my mom. I may have freaked out and called a few people to see if this was one was home or they were watching I took more painkillers that I was allergic too and went to bed. This next picture was the next day...

So yeah Wednesday was the bad day and it was better in the days following. I called the dr and got a different painkiller...darpaset (I went to Bible college and can't spell). My opion on painkillers...I like not feeling pain but hate not being able to control my body...why would you want to be addicted to that feeling! So I decided I can't be famous becasue I can't be addicted to painkillers...

So my finger is now healing's shedding is really gross and I'll have a nice scar but the infection is gone and my finger didn't fall off and hopefully oneday I'll have a nice rock on that finger to make the scar look smaller. So yeha it's amazing how one finger can consume your whole life...well at least a week.

Oh so only 4 more weeks left of COAT (the training program I'm running)! I'll miss everyone but I'm really really looking forward to a break. I'll write more about it...I love it but well...everyone is having emotional/spiritual breakdowns and I'm way excited for them but it's draining none the less.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
No time... there's never any time
Anyone remember that Saved By The Bell when Jesse took all those caffine pills and freaked out on power and hardhitting that I'm still scared of those pills!! I just wanted to say I'm alive but extremly busy (and wish I could take the pills to get everything done but relaize that there's no point) should be getting normal in the next few weeks...ah having 3 jobs!!!
Monday, September 04, 2006
A month ago
So a month ago today I left for Boston with my church. It seems so much longer than a month ago now. It was an awesome trip and I found out that I could live there forever and be happy! I went with my church to visit and work with a church plant that is getting set to open in the next month. It was awesome taking the T (the metro) everywhere and just walking around such historic places. I got to visit Harvard, the Old North Church (see legend of Paul Revere), Samuel Adams statue, Boston Commons (I love this park), a really old cemetry, and other cool things. I felt totally at home and had a great visit I said I'd totally move back if God leds me there! Oh and it was cold and rainy there so it was heaven for me!!! a lil slice of fall!

Me and the Make way for Ducklings statues (It's from a kids book)

Me outside Harvard...yes it makes me look smarter

I took this one for Josh!

Samuel Adams and me!

Me and the Make way for Ducklings statues (It's from a kids book)

Me outside Harvard...yes it makes me look smarter

I took this one for Josh!

Samuel Adams and me!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
No more midwest girl...

I'm now in everyway a resident of Florida. Today I change my plates over to Florida plates. It was a bitter sweet moment of giving up my Missouri for Florida. My car looks so naked with only one plate. I did however splurge and get the wildflower design. The name of the flower sounds like my name!! It was a tie between wildflowers and sea turtles. Other than that life is honestly pretty full on at the moment. I came in the office tonight to get a few things done and in order before I leave for Boston on Thursday. I'm due for a break down at some point in the near future and until then I'll press onward. CCF starts next week and please pray becasue they kicked all the clubs off campus and we lost our meeting room. God is good and will provide.
Friday, August 18, 2006

My friend Kelly messed with this picture of me. I think it looks cool! Looking forward to a wild weekend here in the FTM. I have no plans...yessssss! Tonight I think I'm going to get artsy and paint, modge podge, and listen to mellow excited for it to be 5 and me to buy a canvas! I'll post the results if it looks half way decent (I don't claim any talent just a love of art)
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Wacky Weinmans
Last night I got to babysit some of my favorite children. (ok, I have a lot of favorite children) Their parents had brain tumor suport group (Susan had a brain tumor taken out in May and is currently undergoing radiation and chemo) so I got to hang with Paula, Christina, Daniel, and their dog Mattie. I just love these kids...they are refreshing to be around. While I made dinner Christina made the table (check out the pic she did a great job!), Daniel the wildman Wienman played with Mattie (the kid has no fear), and Paula sang me the entire High School Musical soundtract. We ate and then we gave Mattie a bath becasue well she stank! Then came dessert and I quized Daniel on his spelling homework. Then it was off to bed...they wentto bed willingly at 8:15 and I fell asleep on the couch till 9:15 when their parents got home. That was the best hour of sleep I've had in 2 days!!! I was dead to the world it was beautiful!!! That was my exciting Tuesday was so much fun. I love those Weinmans!

Daniel waiting to pounce Mattie

Christina is the huge cuddle bug!

Paula is a huge reader and the biggest Harry Potter fan I've ever met!

Dinner with the Weinmans...Christina made the table pretty!

Torture to Mattie but she sure smells so fresh and clean clean!

Daniel waiting to pounce Mattie

Christina is the huge cuddle bug!

Paula is a huge reader and the biggest Harry Potter fan I've ever met!

Dinner with the Weinmans...Christina made the table pretty!

Torture to Mattie but she sure smells so fresh and clean clean!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Kathy's Sour Cream Enchiladas
Here is my claim to easy to make...cook and invite friends over to share...maybe play loaded questions?
1 bag of chicken (I cube and then cook in a frying pan with garlic powder, a tad bit of salt, pepper, onion powder…drain access liquid)
2 pts sour cream (I use light sour cream)
15 oz of cream of chicken soup (I try to use the reduced fat kind)
(mix together well and I normally season it with more garlic powder, salt, pepper and onion powder to taste)
Cheese mix
5lbs of Monterrey jack cheese
2 cans of diced chile peppers
1 can chopped olives
(mix together well)
30 corn tortillas (not flour they will become mushy and gross)
Preheat oven 350 degrees
A very large baking dish (I like to buy disposable lasagna dishes)
In the baking dish put a layer of corn tortillas then spoon a layer of the sauce mix then a layer of cheese mix then layer tortillas (repeat until dish full…I normally do about 4 layers…the thicker the longer you need to cook it!) end with a cheese mix layer on top. Cover with aluminum foil and bake about an hour …check the middle to see how the middle is cooking…the cook another 30 minsish without the aluminum foil)
Let sit about 10 minutes to get solid so it’s easier to cut and enjoy. This should easily feed at least 10 people. This is easily doubled and I’ve feed 40 on a doubled recipe.
1 bag of chicken (I cube and then cook in a frying pan with garlic powder, a tad bit of salt, pepper, onion powder…drain access liquid)
2 pts sour cream (I use light sour cream)
15 oz of cream of chicken soup (I try to use the reduced fat kind)
(mix together well and I normally season it with more garlic powder, salt, pepper and onion powder to taste)
Cheese mix
5lbs of Monterrey jack cheese
2 cans of diced chile peppers
1 can chopped olives
(mix together well)
30 corn tortillas (not flour they will become mushy and gross)
Preheat oven 350 degrees
A very large baking dish (I like to buy disposable lasagna dishes)
In the baking dish put a layer of corn tortillas then spoon a layer of the sauce mix then a layer of cheese mix then layer tortillas (repeat until dish full…I normally do about 4 layers…the thicker the longer you need to cook it!) end with a cheese mix layer on top. Cover with aluminum foil and bake about an hour …check the middle to see how the middle is cooking…the cook another 30 minsish without the aluminum foil)
Let sit about 10 minutes to get solid so it’s easier to cut and enjoy. This should easily feed at least 10 people. This is easily doubled and I’ve feed 40 on a doubled recipe.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Home again...
So I'm home and back at work. I'm not going to lie I'm strugglin today. I am so glad I got to spend time with the Hunters but on the hand coming back to being a week and a half behind sucks. I hope the Hunters had a good time because they sure showed me a good one. I really enjoyed all the lil talks that happened and just seeing their pretty faces. I learnt that I'm a light weight when it comes to drinking...sorry about that guys who knew that 1 beer and 1 mixed drink could do me in. I personally hate drinking too makes me feel guilty and like trash. Probally why I rarely drink and therefore l'm constantly a light weight. I did have fun was probally the best time I've ever had playing scrabble (which is on my list of least fav games becasue well it makes me feel stupid) I loved church and enjoyed the format of a Bible Study...I learnt a lot. It was also really good to reconnect with Cara who is a huge reason I'm with NMSI. She is stinkin awesome and I just have always enjoyed her. She is just really easy to talk with and understanding. I pretty much want to be her...a small Asian woman who loves the Lord! The Mexican buffet was awesome...I think I'm still full! The flights were uneventful but I did finish the book I've been reading, "Searching for God knows what" by Donald Miller...a must read!!! I need to process it more before I can really talk about but stinkin good to be sure. I am glad to be bed was amazing last night to be sure. Well I best get back to my email...Thanks Hunters for blessing me! Oh and I miss Duds!!!
Saturday, August 12, 2006 do I love thee
So as much as I am continually learning to love Ft. Myers and the whole Florida life I still yearn for something more...wide open spaces if you will...more about that later.
So Evansville was awesome!!! I had a blast and I learnt tons. I'm pretty sure the students enjoyed it and grew too. Starr has some pretty embarressing video of me (She has me singing with the headphones on to that Carpenters song that's all like dododo doooo ahhhhhhh ...lovin you) It was great times of fellowship, fun, worship, and teaching. So on the way to Evansville I woke up as we were driving through Nashville and thought...hmmm I should just stay in Nashville on the way back and visit the Hunters. So I got me a one way ticket and I'm live in it up in the casa por Hunters (I took and failed French) It's been great so far...very first actual comp time I've ever taken. On Thursday I just layed by the pool and read (and swam to cool off at the end of each chapter...I'm reading Searching for God Knows What by Donald's a really good book...I love things that make me think) I got to cook dinner which was a blast to make and then had a good workout at the Y. I finally met the illustrious Todd Burka...who I've decided is impossible to read but is really funny. It's wierd to finally meet someone that you feel like you already know through other people's stories. I begin to suddenly worry how I look and what to say and ohhh crap what does this person know about me. I'm not normally a person who is easily rattled or comes across as shy (I tend to be an uber people person) but when I met the Todd Burka I got all shy and akward. But no worries I saw him last night and gave him plenty of sass back to his abundance of sass. A group went to go see Breakin 2...this 80s break dance movie. It was horrible and yet so funny! I decided that break dancing is awesome and I love my free 80s bandana. I am loving my time in Nashville...
Here's a picture from a few years's my first gross but a great night!
So Evansville was awesome!!! I had a blast and I learnt tons. I'm pretty sure the students enjoyed it and grew too. Starr has some pretty embarressing video of me (She has me singing with the headphones on to that Carpenters song that's all like dododo doooo ahhhhhhh ...lovin you) It was great times of fellowship, fun, worship, and teaching. So on the way to Evansville I woke up as we were driving through Nashville and thought...hmmm I should just stay in Nashville on the way back and visit the Hunters. So I got me a one way ticket and I'm live in it up in the casa por Hunters (I took and failed French) It's been great so far...very first actual comp time I've ever taken. On Thursday I just layed by the pool and read (and swam to cool off at the end of each chapter...I'm reading Searching for God Knows What by Donald's a really good book...I love things that make me think) I got to cook dinner which was a blast to make and then had a good workout at the Y. I finally met the illustrious Todd Burka...who I've decided is impossible to read but is really funny. It's wierd to finally meet someone that you feel like you already know through other people's stories. I begin to suddenly worry how I look and what to say and ohhh crap what does this person know about me. I'm not normally a person who is easily rattled or comes across as shy (I tend to be an uber people person) but when I met the Todd Burka I got all shy and akward. But no worries I saw him last night and gave him plenty of sass back to his abundance of sass. A group went to go see Breakin 2...this 80s break dance movie. It was horrible and yet so funny! I decided that break dancing is awesome and I love my free 80s bandana. I am loving my time in Nashville...
Here's a picture from a few years's my first gross but a great night!

Friday, August 04, 2006
Indy here I come
So I'm out of town for a week...leaving in uhmm 10 mins actually...for Evansville, IN. We're going to the National Student Conference with CCF...I'm pretty excited. Praying God will do some awesome stuff in the lives of my students. It will be a bonding experience driving for like 18 hrs to get there! Can you say roadtrip?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
divine intervention
So within the past 3 weeks I have now officially caught 2 bridal bouquets! (Pictures to follow) apparently, I moved as fast as the desert mongouse and snatched it from the hands of mere babes. (the pack of 10-13 yr old girls in the front were still megga pissed at me on Sunday) Several people asked me if I play sports namely basketball because of my moves... honestly I blacked ...all I remember is suddenly I had the bouquet in my hand and people are laughing/shocked looks all around (one witness said they were pretty sure I defied gravity at one point). All I know is that I have a vase of fresh flowers and can say that I caught the bouquet 2 out of 3 times this summer. Heck maybe I'll get a first date from someone that was impressed by my mad skills! who was fun was fun!!! ohh after the guy caught the garter they played lets get it on and I have never blushed so red in my life!!!! So did the guy and luckly we didn't have to dance to it!!!! Ohh and I looked to follow!!!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Books Corey Loves
So after talking with Jesse last night I've decided to compile a list of books that I love (this is not a complete list) I've tried to break them down into genre.
Persuasion by Jane Austin
Of Mice and Men -John Steinbeck
Much Ado about Nothing -William Shakespeare
The Secret Garden -Frances Hodgson Burnett
Rebecca-Daphne Du Maurier
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
Chick Literature
Something borrowed -Emily Giffin
Something Blue - Emily Giffin
The Devil Wears Prada - Lauren Weisberger
anything by Sophie Kinsella
Random Fiction
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time - Mark Haddon
Life of Pi- Yann Martel***
Vanishing Acts -Jodi Picoult
My Sister’s Keeper – Jodi Picoult
Roots of Desire : The Myth, Meaning, and Sexual Power of Red Hair - Marion Roach***
Christian fiction
pretty much anything written by Francine Rivers
This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness by Frank E. Peretti
Christian non Fiction
The Search for Significance - Robert McGee
Turning Points – Mark Noll
Pretty much everything by Brendan Manning
In Search for Christian Unity -A History of the Restoration Movement- Henry E. Webb
Come away my beloved - Frances J. Roberts
The Return of the Prodigal - Henri Nouwen
Books on NMSI reading and I liked a lot
Why Not Women : A Biblical Study of Women in Missions, Ministry, and Leadership -Loren Cunningham and David Joel Hamilton
Leadership and Self Deception: Getting Out of the Box Arbinger Institute
True Faced - Bill Thrall, Bruce McNicol, and John Lynch
Generous Orthodoxy - Brian D. McLaren***
*** means that I’m not quite done with these books but I like them a lot so far
Persuasion by Jane Austin
Of Mice and Men -John Steinbeck
Much Ado about Nothing -William Shakespeare
The Secret Garden -Frances Hodgson Burnett
Rebecca-Daphne Du Maurier
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
Chick Literature
Something borrowed -Emily Giffin
Something Blue - Emily Giffin
The Devil Wears Prada - Lauren Weisberger
anything by Sophie Kinsella
Random Fiction
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time - Mark Haddon
Life of Pi- Yann Martel***
Vanishing Acts -Jodi Picoult
My Sister’s Keeper – Jodi Picoult
Roots of Desire : The Myth, Meaning, and Sexual Power of Red Hair - Marion Roach***
Christian fiction
pretty much anything written by Francine Rivers
This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness by Frank E. Peretti
Christian non Fiction
The Search for Significance - Robert McGee
Turning Points – Mark Noll
Pretty much everything by Brendan Manning
In Search for Christian Unity -A History of the Restoration Movement- Henry E. Webb
Come away my beloved - Frances J. Roberts
The Return of the Prodigal - Henri Nouwen
Books on NMSI reading and I liked a lot
Why Not Women : A Biblical Study of Women in Missions, Ministry, and Leadership -Loren Cunningham and David Joel Hamilton
Leadership and Self Deception: Getting Out of the Box Arbinger Institute
True Faced - Bill Thrall, Bruce McNicol, and John Lynch
Generous Orthodoxy - Brian D. McLaren***
*** means that I’m not quite done with these books but I like them a lot so far
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